Animal Equality's Investigation reveals the brutal slaughter behind Halal meat tumblr inline nvyomkL8i71qf1a11 540

Animal Equality's Investigation reveals the brutal slaughter behind Halal meat tumblr inline nvyomkL8i71qf1a11 540

with the celebration of the “Eid al-Adha”, also called the “Feast of
the Sacrifice”, Animal Equality exposes the findings of this new
investigation within the Halal meat industry in Italy.

Coinciding with the celebration of the “Eid al-Adha”, also called the “Feast of the Sacrifice”, Animal Equality exposes the findings of this new investigation within the Halal meat industry in Italy. Animal Equality’s Investigation Team have
obtained exclusive images which reveal the Halal way of slaughtering
100 lambs in an Italian-based slaughterhouse. The brutality of the
documented footage shows:

– Terrified animals being beaten repeatedly.
– Farmers kicking and stomping on the animals to force them into the truck.
– Animals dying slowly and painfully, smothered in their own blood.
– Operators using a compressor to rip off the sheep skin while still alive.

Animal Equality Italy has launched the “Fermiamo La Crudeltà Rituale (“Stop the Ritual Cruelty”) campaign
in which they ask the Italian government to put and end to Halal and
Kosher slaughter, as they have already done in countries like Poland and
Denmark. The European Union allows, for religious purposes, exceptions
in the basic norms for animal slaughter, such as the pre-stunning of

Matteo Cupi, President of Animal Equality Italy, stated “We
obviously respect the freedom of belief and this is not an attack on
the Islamic community. On the other hand, we believe that religious
reasons cannot be an exception for compliance with European animal
welfare regulations. Tradition and religion can not be above the
suffering of animals.”

In Europe, the debate over this issue has led some states, such as
Norway, Sweden, Iceland and Liechtenstein, to impose severe restrictions
on this religious slaughter. In addition, a ban has been implemented in
two EU-based states, Poland and Denmark, as well as in some federal
states of Austria and Switzerland.

Click here to watch the video. (Graphic footage: Viewer discretion advised)



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