Tell Kikkoman to Stop Killing Animals for Soy Sauce Health Claims tumblr inline nwhuaueEZZ1qf1a11 540

Tell Kikkoman to Stop Killing Animals for Soy Sauce Health Claims tumblr inline nwhuaueEZZ1qf1a11 540

PETA recently discovered that Kikkoman Corporation, the popular soy
sauce company, has been conducting and funding cruel and deadly
experiments on animals in order to make health claims about its

According to articles published by Kikkoman as recently as August 2015, the following experiments were conducted:

  • Feeding tubes were repeatedly forced down rats’ throats to administer fermented soy milk.
  • Mice bred to be obese were fed citrus extract before being killed and having their muscles removed.
  • Rabbits were fed high-cholesterol diets in order to induce heart disease and then later killed.
  • Rats were force-fed soy sauce through surgically attached stomach
    tubes, after which they were “sacrificed by decapitation … followed by
    rapid removal of the brains.”

These types of cruel health claim experiments are not required by
law, and there are more relevant non-animal research methods—including
tests with human tissues and human volunteers—available that are humane
and can actually establish the health benefits of food products for
humans. PETA has repeatedly contacted Kikkoman to share information
about modern non-animal research tools that can better meet the
company’s objectives and save animals, but it has refused to
meaningfully address the issue.

Please urge Kikkoman to modernize its research program and
join progressive companies like pasta maker Barilla and beverage makers
Coca-Cola, Welch’s, and Ocean Spray, all of which have established
policies against funding, conducting, or commissioning experiments on

Click here to contact Kikkoman!



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